How Paediatrics Helps To Promote Quality Care For Your Child

Our children are the pride and joy of our lives, and as parents we all want them to grow up healthily and happily. The developmental process of children is full of constant changes and demands, which can be difficult for parents to handle. From receiving immediate care for your child during the postnatal period to monitoring their health across the years, read on to learn more about the benefits of paediatric medicine, and how you can benefit from a visit to a Singapore paediatric clinic.


What is paediatrics?

Paediatrics refers to the branch of medicine that deals with the overall development of babies, children, and teenagers. Research has shown that the formative years of childhood (0 to 8 years) are essential for their growth and development, where they experience rapid cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development. With the complexities of child development, it is unsurprising that complications can occur which can negatively impact their health and growth. 

For example, complications may arise from a physical injury incurred while playing, sensory impairments of hearing and vision, or neurological in nature that affect their coordination and learning. Particularly during the postnatal period where mothers are still recovering from childbirth, diagnosing and providing proper care for early childhood issues goes a long way to avoiding a difficult growth for your child.

Paediatric physiotherapists in Singapore are specialised in providing quality care for children. They have an extensive understanding of the developmental challenges that children face, enabling them to create individualised treatments for your child across various stages of development. In addition, they work closely with occupational therapists as well as speech & language therapists, providing a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to care for your child.

How does paediatrics improve my child’s health?

At Edge Healthcare, our Singapore-based paediatric clinic provides neurodevelopmental assessment and individualised intervention till 2 years of age for both premature infants and those at risk of developmental delays. Beyond infancy, our trained physiotherapists also treat a range of neurological conditions, sports injuries, chronic pain, and muscle & bone issues.

Paediatric physiotherapy helps to treat a wide range of conditions that affect young children, such as:

  • Torticollis
  • Spina bifida
  • Plagiocephaly
  • Congenital conditions
  • Scoliosis
  • Gait abnormalities
  • Cerebral palsy

In addition, paediatric physiotherapy helps to treat general injuries that children may incur as part of their active lifestyles, such as fractures and dislocations, sprains and strains, as well as shoulder and hip injuries. It also helps to correct poor posture and foot placement, helping your child develop healthily and properly.

When first visiting a paediatric clinic in Singapore, paediatric physiotherapists will assess your child’s movement, posture, strength, limbs and joints. They will then discuss with you to help you set achievable recovery or behavioural goals for your child. Paediatric physiotherapists utilise a range of treatment techniques, such as:

  • Soft tissue therapy to relieve pain, improve circulation, and promote relaxation
  • Manual therapy for muscles and joints to improve range of motion and relieve muscle tension
  • Teaching daily stretching exercises to the child and their family members/helpers
  • Posture and walking education for children to improve their stature and gait

In addition, our Singapore-based paediatric clinic also offers paediatric osteopathy services. Osteopathy is favoured due to its gentle and comforting treatment, such as cranial sacral therapy.

Interested in finding out how paediatrics can improve your child’s health? Visit our paediatric clinic in Singapore to learn more.


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