How Sports Physiotherapy Helps You Bounce Back In Life

There are many forms of physiotherapy that physio clinics in Singapore offer to their patients. As Singaporeans start engaging in more active lifestyles in a bid to stay healthy during this season, it is no surprise that there is also an increase in the likelihood of sport injuries occurring. Read on to learn more about sport physiotherapy and how it helps to help one bounce back quickly from these injuries.


What is sports physiotherapy?

Sport physiotherapy in Singapore is a branch of physiotherapy that is focused on evaluating, diagnosing, treating and rehabilitating injuries incurred while engaging in sports. Sports physiotherapists aim to restore one’s function back to normal, or help to improve general performance. They also help people across all walks of life and ages, be it from young varsity athletes to senior citizens engaging in light exercise.

Sports physiotherapists utilise a wide range of techniques, ranging from manual therapy during sessions at physio clinics in Singapore, educating patients with rehabilitation exercises and general education about their condition, as well as designing focused training plans specific to each client to help them rebuild their strength.

Many physiotherapists keep up to date with the latest research and advances in the field, as well as being active in the sporting scene as well. They are also qualified to practice as per the guidelines of Singapore’s Allied Health Professions Council, ensuring that they deliver expert and quality treatment for their patients.


What does sports physiotherapy encompass?

As its name suggests, sports physiotherapy in Singapore focuses on treating injuries incurred during sports and exercise, rather than those from regular day-to-day activities. Here are some of the ways that sports physiotherapists help patients:

1. Injury Treatment And Prevention

One of the key areas of sports physiotherapy, sports physiotherapists at physio clinics in Singapore utilise their expertise with body mechanics and movement to accurately diagnose and treat each individual patient’s condition. They focus on avoiding aggravation of injuries, acting fast and swiftly to treat and speed up recovery, as well as moderating the level of treatment based on each individual patient’s pacing. In addition to treatment, sport physiotherapists help to prevent recurring injuries in the same area through strengthening exercise, education, and awareness.

2. Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation is the process of helping to restore one’s functional capacity. Sport physiotherapy in Singapore focuses on helping athletes return to their previous level of performance in their sport or surpass it, through reducing or reversing their impaired condition. This can take place through early intervention to limit the extent of the injury, before planning strengthening exercises to help rebuild muscle strength in the affected area.

3. Performance Enhancement

Particularly for athletes where every advantage is key, sports physiotherapists are able to thoroughly evaluate their physical and performance profiles. They also adopt a multidisciplinary approach, often consulting with other professionals such as sport physicians, athletic trainers, and orthopaedists to help craft and optimise athletes’ long-term performance, helping them to bounce back stronger than before.

4. Lifestyle Planning

For some patients, the injuries they incur may cause a permanent change in their lifestyle. Visiting a physio clinic in Singapore allows patients to learn how best they can still achieve their goals, such as a regular yet controlled exercise regime for older patients. Sport physiotherapists aim to empower their patients’ health and help them achieve their goals, all while reducing the risk of future injuries that may occur during exercise.

Looking for a reputable physio clinic in Singapore? Drop Edge Healthcare a message today and see how we can help you for your sport physiotherapy needs.


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